Photoselective vaporization of the prostate by green laser XPS 180 W. System for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

This system of treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) was developed by the company Laserscope in the U.S. and subsequently by the company American Medical Systems (AMS) and represents the most important advance has been made in recent years to the treatment of this disease which affects millions of men worldwide.
The system called Green Light (green light), is unique because it uses a laser XPS (180W) generation and high energy in conjunction with a specially designed optical fiber for this application. The combined soft tissue allows us to vaporize completely eliminating the enlarged prostate tissue. The concept of Photoselective vaporization of the prostate is completely removing tissue as well as simultaneous photocoagulation of blood vessels reducing the possibility of bleeding, which is always the major concern of urologists in prostate surgery.
In early June 2010, under the American Congress of Urology held in San Francisco, was presented at intenacional the arrival of the third generation of Green Green Light Laser XPS 180 W developed by AMS. Since its appearance, it is increasingly difficult to find urologists do not see this laser as the technique recommended for the intervention of this type of pathology.
The Photoselective vaporization method XPS Green Light Laser offers the best for the patients affected by BPH, is on the one hand and on the other minimally invasive, lasting results as other more aggressive surgical options, avoiding the typical risks and complications that they carry .
What are the advantages of Laser Verde (Green Light XPS)?
All experienced urologists know TURP if done correctly offers good medium and long term, but is uncomfortable for the patient, can cause bleeding and complications can occur.
The great advantage of green laser (Green Light XPS) is that it offers the same good results as the RTU but with less complications.
The new XPS apparatus can treat larger prostates in less time.
With green laser treatment (Green Light XPS):
- Less blood loss. The effect of green laser photocoagulation makes it very suitable technique in patients with antiplatelet and anticoagulants.
- The catheter can be removed at 12 hours. With the RTU the probe is removed after 5-6 days.
- The hospital stay is about 24 hours. With the RTU the patient stays in the clinic 5-6 days.
- It produces immediate relief of symptoms with significant improvement in urinary flow.
- Less than 1% has referred decreased erection.
- The results are maintained long term and do not need new surgery on the prostate.
- In 2 or 3 days you can do the usual activities, avoiding strain.
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